There are so many ways to grow in becoming more like Jesus for the sake of those around us. We want to support you, your family, your Huddle and friends to do this well.
We pray that these suggested resources serve you well.
We have a range of resources available for our Huddles to help foster environments where Christ can speak and transform lives.
Do you know someone who is asking questions about life and meaning? We have some tips, prayer ideas and digital invites to help you invite them to Alpha.
To support you to live faith in real-life, we have compiled some resources for you to use with your family during the week.
The Bible teaches us to come before God in praise and worship. We love to do this together on Sundays and you can use our playlist to sing these songs throughout the week.
This podcast, with Mark, Liddy & Daniel, explores ways to understand how culture and faith intersect and the implications it can have on leadership in different spheres of your lives. Rebuilders navigates this space and aims to encourage and support leaders to operate in postures of healthy discernment and obedience to Jesus’ leading in their context.
Mark has been writing for many years and his passion for spiritual renewal and the future of the church features prominently across his book titles.
24-7 Prayer Australia is birthed from a global interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice, with a vision to revive the church and rewire the culture through non-stop night and day prayer.
Find resources to support you in prayer and connect with others who are passionate about prayer across our nation.