Huddle Resources
We have a range of resources available for our Huddles to help foster environments where Christ can speak and transform lives.
Welcome to your Huddle
As you first begin your Huddle (or looking to bring back focus) work through these four video sessions to understand the vision and posture of your time together.
A Guide for Huddles
A simple guide for Huddles to help focus and structure time together around the HUDDLE acronym. It includes suggested times to spend on each step and ideas to lead you.
Be Still Series
Five sessions by 24-7 Prayer to help you and your Huddle explore the simple, transformative practice of a daily quiet time with God.
The Prayer Course
An eight-week course by 24-7 Prayer including both video and additional study resources to help your Huddle to grow and deepen your prayer life.
The Prayer Course II: Unanswered Prayer
Five sessions by 24-7 Prayer designed to help your Huddle explore the hardest and most personal questions we all ask about prayer.
Reading the Word
An eight-week study designed to acquaint or reacquaint you with the Bible, find life in its words, encounter God and recognise our place in its overarching narrative.