Frequently Asked Questions

What is our Vision & Mission?
Vision: To be a church of passionate, committed disciples, devoted to Christ’s alternative for the world.
Mission: To awaken people to Christ and His message and to equip them to live faith in real life.

What is our call?
Sitting alongside our Vision and Mission is a strong sense of call that God has given. This call gives focus, purpose and identity to Red, and can be summarised in three key areas:

  • We are called to focus on Discipleship: We firmly believe that God is looking not just for believers, but for followers. We are passionate about growing disciples: people who are committed to living authentically as followers of Christ – growing in relationship, obedience and service to Him – and encouraging others to do the same.

  • Our call is Apostolic: Apostolic means to ‘be sent with a message’. As a Church, we have a particular message to steward and share (centred around discipleship in today’s culture), and that message is to go out beyond the walls of our local Church congregations to build up the wider Church body.

  • We are called to speak into Faith and Culture: As citizens of God’s Kingdom we have a mandate to shape—rather than be shaped by—the culture around us.

Why the name Red?
Red Church was once a network of churches meeting throughout Melbourne, and the name Red came from the Spanish word for ‘network’.

What is our leadership structure?
We are governed by a Board, made up of our Church members. The Board employs the Lead Pastor who in turn employs the staff. Churches of Christ Victoria/Tasmania provide oversight, care and compliance for certain areas of operation as necessary.

What denomination are we?
We are affiliated with Churches of Christ Victoria/Tasmania. Those who call Red home are made up of people from a variety of non-church and church backgrounds; Baptist to Pentecostal, Catholic to Anglican and everyone in between.

How can I get connected in the church community?
We recommend gathering with us on Sundays for at least a month to get a feel of what the church community is like. If you have a family, join in with Red Kids and/or Red Youth. There are also opportunities during the week to gather with us for Prayer Rhythms. If it feels like this church could be home for you, we invite you to Join Us. We are excited to get to know you better and help connect you into the right next step, whether that getting to know more about Jesus or walking out your discipleship alongside others in a Huddle.

What if my question wasn’t answered here?
If there is something we’ve not covered here on our website, feel free to email us at: