Discipleship is all about following Jesus and growing to become more like Him so we can show His love to others. We are passionate about transformative discipleship, finding freedom in Christ to live as He intended for the sake of the world. If you’re at Red, it’s our heart that you are always growing in your faith by abiding with Jesus, being renewed by Jesus and going with Jesus.
Read more about our Discipleship philosophy
+ Abiding with Jesus
If you profess that Jesus is Lord of your life, through confession and repentance, then you have been adopted into God’s family (John 1:12; Galatians 4:4-5; Romans 8:14-17). As you grow in your knowledge and experience of this, it becomes a continual space to come home to His presence. God loves to draw us into His presence, to remind us of our identity as a son or daughter of His and allows that truth to transform us into Christlikeness.
+ Being renewed by Jesus
Having stepped into the power of His death and resurrection, your old-self is now dead and you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 4:17; Romans 6). The Apostle Paul instructs us to put on the new self, to actively participate in the lifelong process of being transformed by Jesus’ presence and teaching, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
+ Going with Jesus
Your going comes from the overflow of your abiding with and submission to Jesus’ renewal. As you journey with Jesus, allowing him to shape your life, it is from that place of transformation that you offer a lived proclamation of the Gospel. This fulfils His mandate to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19), whether that be to the neighbour across the road or across a continent. You can step into going with Him by listening and obediently following Him, no matter the cost.
Growing in discipleship at Red
There are many reasons that lead you to make a church your home.
We’d love to chat with you, help you settle in and take the next step in your walk with Jesus alongside others.