Invite someone to Alpha

Jesus is always at work drawing people to himself and He uses people like you to partner with Him in this work. Alpha is a great next step for anyone in their journey toward Jesus and we’d encourage you to pray for and invite them along.

The next Alpha begins Wednesday 30 April 2025

6:30 pm at 45 Orchard Grove, Blackburn South

→ Registration page here


How to invite someone to Alpha

If you would like to invite someone to Alpha, there are a million ways you could do this.
Carrier pigeon, sky-writing, morse-code...
You could call them, send them a text or drop around to see them.

Here’s one easy, step-by-step way to do it:

Step one: Get praying! Who is in your life that you could invite along?

Step two: Grab an invite on Sunday or save a copy of a digital invite below (Updated invites are coming!)

Step three: Chat with the person you would like to invite and… invite them! Let them know you’ll follow up with the details

Step four: Follow up by giving them an invite or send them a digital invite

Step five: Keep praying!

How to save a digital invite:
On iPhone: Tap and hold the image, and then tap "Save to Photos"
On Android: Tap and hold the image, and then tap "Download image"
On desktop: Right-click (or control-click) the image, select save option


Get involved with Alpha

  1. Invite people to come to Alpha (see above)

  2. Pray participate in the week of prayer (23 April – 29 April) and pray for those invited or those yet to register

  3. Serve at Alpha as part of the hospitality team, a group helper, prayer team or tech support

    Serve at Alpha

  4. Financially contribute to support Alpha at Red Church

    Give to Alpha

Take me to:

Try Alpha
